
Develop the Next Generation of Progressive Leaders


About Us

The San Diego Lead­er­ship Alliance (SDLA) is a non­par­ti­san non­profit formed to develop San Diego's pro­gres­sive leadership. After a decade, the SDLA has graduated more than 200 progressives from its program who now carry our values into their respective leadership roles in the community across the public, private and nonprofit sectors. 

Our Mission

The mission of the San Diego Leadership Alliance is to develop the next generation of progressive leaders by providing the skills, relationships and opportunities to build a sustainable progressive infrastructure in the San Diego region.

Our Pro­gres­sive Values

  • We believe soci­ety should work for every­one. 
  • We believe government and institutions can and should be a force for good.
  • We believe in ele­vat­ing every­one to a posi­tion of equal treat­ment, regard­less of class, race, eth­nic­ity, con­science, gender, sex­ual ori­entation, gen­der expres­sion, national ori­gin, abil­ity, or his­tory of disenfranchisement
  • We believe in advocating for accountability, actions, and change that manifests these values.

Our Work

SDLA exists to build a net­work of pro­gres­sives with the skills and rela­tion­ships to pro­vide a focus on equity, equality and justice. SDLA is not just about devel­op­ing can­di­dates to run for pub­lic office. Polit­i­cal change includes elected offi­cials, but it also requires sup­port­ers from the busi­ness, non­prof­it, and other sectors. 

SDLA's bench­mark pro­gram is our lead­er­ship Insti­tute that runs January through June ever year. We bring together a diverse group of pro­gres­sive indi­vid­u­als and pro­vide them the tools needed to become lead­ers in San Diego. For more infor­ma­tion on the insti­tute please visit our pro­gram pages.

SDLA was for­merly affil­i­ated with the national non profit the New Lead­ers Council.

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